SAAC Forum

The Cars => 1967 Shelby GT350/500 => Topic started by: motorhead428 on April 11, 2020, 05:34:01 PM

Title: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: motorhead428 on April 11, 2020, 05:34:01 PM
Finally we have paint on our early 1967 Shelby GT500, DSO #2501. Is been a long long project (about 6-7 years) to get to point where we could get paint on our car #185. I would like to thank everyone that posted information on how they did this or that and how their results turn out. I would especially like to thank a few people that answer questions or set me straight if I wasn't doing something the way it should be done. In no particular order Thank You, Jeff Speegle (also for his article on restoration support),Bob Gaines, JD, Coralsnake, 1967 eight barrel, Brian Styles, Chris Simon, Roland Duclos and a few other that I can't recall. Without help form the member of this site and others, I would have made a lot of mistakes. I will post a few pictures of some of the work along the way and the finished paint. Thank You Rick
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: motorhead428 on April 11, 2020, 05:36:43 PM
A few more Pics.
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: Bob Gaines on April 11, 2020, 05:45:17 PM
Looking good. FYI the lamp boxes that I assume you left riveted in place where semi gloss blk originally and of course any rivets would be unpainted given they were added at SA along with the boxes. Best of luck on further progress.
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: motorhead428 on April 11, 2020, 06:05:28 PM
Bob, I did forget to cover the tail light boxes during paint but I will fix them and the rivets. Thank You
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: greekz on April 11, 2020, 09:45:55 PM
Looks wonderful.  Hope you enjoy the reassembly.  Looking forward to pictures of the process.
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: 68krrrr on April 12, 2020, 03:51:09 AM
great color combo
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: chris NOS on April 12, 2020, 05:07:48 AM
well done ! keep on going , and please post pictures when you ll get it reassembled !
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: FH187 on April 12, 2020, 07:50:45 AM
Very well done!I spent 10 years on #187,on my last restoration,so you did it way faster!     :)

Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: motorhead428 on April 12, 2020, 09:26:46 AM
FH187 We have sister's. What is the date your car was completed at Ford and SA. Mine are 12/01/1966 at Ford and 01/04/1967 at SA.
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: JD on April 12, 2020, 09:38:15 AM
Congratulations on getting the paint on, keep rolling along...

(and Hello Freddie)
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: rbarkley on April 12, 2020, 10:53:49 AM
Congrats.  Well done.  Looks great.  It is always a big accomplishment to put things back on!   Especially paint!
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: The Going Thing on April 12, 2020, 12:00:50 PM
The reassembly is the best part of a restoration.  All those hours of complete teardown and component blasting and refinishing and to start into the last lap for completion. Good luck! It looks great!
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: FH187 on April 12, 2020, 02:05:28 PM
[quote author=motorhead428
FH187 We have sister's. What is the date your car was completed at Ford and SA. Mine are 12/01/1966 at Ford and 01/04/1967 at SA.

Are somewhat puzzled,completed at Ford 12/9 1966.Four days after scedule.Got a shipping paper from Mathews,indicating freight by train to J D Ball 12/22 1966...
Have to find my papers again,seems strange that mine were delivered before yours?      ::)
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: motorhead428 on April 12, 2020, 02:57:48 PM
I think Brian Styles is where I got that information on our car, but I was told DSO # 2501 was the first GT500 ordered, on 08/09/1966, accepted by Ford on 08/10/1966. With a Ford completion date of 12/01/1966 and a Shelby American completion date of 01/04/1967. If anyone has other information please send to my email  Thank You Rick
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: The Going Thing on April 12, 2020, 03:09:46 PM
My Shelby is the fourth GT500 completed. No scoop lights either.
Title: Re: Finally we have paint on #185
Post by: roddster on April 12, 2020, 03:53:12 PM
  All of us early 67' Shelby owners (the ones with the metal underlayment hoods and decks)remember that Fomoco did not even prime the inside of the metal underframe.  So, if you ever unlaminate your hood, de-rust it (to top side that has no paint) and prime it before you reglass it back together.
I suppose this also will apply to any Mustang too.  No coating between the metal.