I received my '67 Shelby Registry yesterday and going through it I was able to find a couple cars I had come across when I was looking for a Shelby about 40 years ago. Among them was a '67 GT350 from Spokane Wa, and a '67 GT500 from Deer Lodge Mt, but there were a couple I was trying to find that I couldn't so I thought I would describe them and see if anyone else recalls these cars.
One was a red '67 GT500 that was in Rexburg Idaho, or one of the small towns in that area. Auto trans, A.C. with outboard lights. I remember the owner wanted $10,000 for it, which was a bit much at the time. I was told that the engine block had been replaced because it froze and cracked one winter. It was a very nice car. I was looking for a 4-speed without A.C. and it was out of my price range anyway, so I didn't pursue it.
Another one wasn't actually for sale, but I saw it driving down the streets of Missoula Mt and followed it to it's destination. It was a '67 GT350 with outboard lights, Lime Gold with a Boss 302 type of stripe that came down the bodysides and up over the hood. I believe it was a Colorado car, auto trans I think, with chrome headers. The owner was in town for a wedding. Another very nice car at the time.
Do either of these cars ring a bell for anyone?
Don't ring a bell.Likely will be a tough search as cars really weren't commonly referenced by serial no. back then.Also any non stock modifications likely "disappeared" long ago as the cars values climbed.Good luck!!!