Received my 2022 Annual today. Looks like good reading ahead. Many thanks to all that put the annual together!
Just arrived in Los Angeles. ;D
Received mine today - Central California
Arrived yesterday, Seattle area.
Arrived today 10-26-22, about an hour north east of Seattle, near the mountains.
Not yet.....patiently waiting
Kindest regards
Carjackings may be up in Philadelphia, but my copy of The Shelby American 2022 Annual was delivered without incident.
My world is complete.
"It's the most wonderful time......of the year"
No Joy....yet
Got mine today, in SoCal. Had to wrestle it out of the postman's hands, however.
Still do not have mine in N.C.
Michael Briggs
Finally arrived but..........
I've been sitting in a tent next to the mailbox for 4 days, nothing yet :'(
Looking for any updates from anyone else who has received their 2022 "The Shelby American" Annual, specifically in the New England area. Looks like folks on the west coast started reporting received on 10/25. Not knowing how they are mailed (bulk mailing, staggered over a period of time, etc.), I'll give the benefit of the doubt for now. But since it's now 14 days since the first posting, that seems a bit suspicious.
Not yet. NE OH
Received mine on the west coast (SF Bay Area) yesterday the 7th.
Craig R.
Got mine in NE PA Friday 11/4
Got mine here in Vegas in yesterdays mail. The only shitty thing is that I have to read it on a plane heading into a snowstorm and freakin cold weather in Calgary, Alberta on a flight home tomorrow.
Nothing in SC yet ::)
been camped out next to the mailbox for the past week, nothing yet :'(
Thanks to all who have replied with an update. Looks like it's hurry up and wait, by and large.
Austin Texas today.
Received Annual 11/9 East Tennessee.
Nothing in North Carolina.
Michael Briggs
Quote from: Steve McDonald Formally known as Mcdonas on November 09, 2022, 10:42:44 AM
been camped out next to the mailbox for the past week, nothing yet :'(
ours showed up yesterday
Showed up in NorCal today
Llego el sabado en la Florida
Muchas gracias
Received in Virginia Saturday 11/12
Arrived in Western Illinois yesterday.
Arrived in Englewood Colorado yesterday.
Landed in Michigan today.
Got mine in KC today thank you very much.
Just wanted to thank every one that worked on this masterpiece, not only this year but every year pryor.
Thanks again
Still MIA in SC :-[
I feel your pain, Bill....really! :(
Arrived today NE OH
The annual has landed in SC, seem some pages are sticky, wondering if Howard got a hold of my copy.
Arrived on East Coast of Central Florida, today!
I guess we can now see why in mail ballots don't arrive until far after the end of the election.
Arrived in NE Ohio today - THANKS all involved!!!
Finally got mine in Annapolis MD.
The canoe has landed my copy in Hawaii without any shredding or salt water damage. 8)
Arrived in N GA yesterday... :)
^^^Good to hear. Hopefully mine will come today (Roswell)
I'm off to MCACN this morning. Hopefully the goods will be awaiting my return.
Just showed up in New Jersey in last night's mail
Mine arrived in Florida yesterday! Can't wait to dive in today!
Wisconsin G2G-
Got mine a few days ago here in the Dallas area. Two days later I had read through it. The quality of pictures etc. is fantastic,
Texas Swede
Arrived today, just East of Toronto,Ontario Canada.
Outer paper envelope, inner plastic sleeve, perfect condition, no damage.
Give it a read over the weekend.
Thanks to all for the effort that goes into this !
Mine was waiting for me when I returned from MCACN on Sunday 11/20. Big thank you to all involved in putting this together. Very well done.
Finally received mine, nice Thanksgiving present, there is a good picture of my Cobra on page 331.
Michael Briggs
QuoteI guess we can now see why in mail ballots don't arrive until far after the end of the election.
just another reason to vote in person on election day. :)
Not yet arrived in Europe - export version delayed?
Still waiting in Manitoba Canada Maybe the mailman decided to read it first
Still waiting in Europe. Anybody else who received his over here?
Received last week, in France. :)
Thank you, good to know they left the factory at least.
Still waiting in Germany - there´s hope... ;)