Now available, new 'Repromod" 67 GT500 and GT350s.
I have seen them and whatever your take is on "Continuation/replica/etc." cars, these are very well built. Done by Hi Tech Automotive in South Africa the body is not an off the shelf Dynacorn but rather assembled by Hi Tech in their own jigs and fixtures. The people I know who have driven them were impressed with the handling and solid feel of the chassis.
With Revology and others in the Repromod business, Hi Tech was determined to be different and provide what they feel is a superior product.
I have no connection with these other than being friends with the factory owner so no skin in the game for me.
They seem to have taken some liberties ? That's good for the original owners though.
It makes it easy to spot a real one or a counterfeit.
So lets start with "how much do they cost?"
Because Im guessing you could buy a real one for the price
Quote from: Coralsnake on December 05, 2023, 08:53:23 AM
So lets start with "how much do they cost?"
Because Im guessing you could buy a real one for the price
It says Base Price is $214,500.
^^^ and no engine or transmission?
I have to wonder - when (if) Dynacorn completes their remanufacturing of new '67/'68 Cougar bodies if companies like Hi-Tech Legends will offer "new" GT-Es.
- Phillip
I have an issue with the ad slogan "Own The Legend". Wouldn't that apply to an original only? Should be "Own a Variation of a Legend". 8)
Quote from: tesgt350 on December 05, 2023, 09:13:36 AM
Quote from: Coralsnake on December 05, 2023, 08:53:23 AM
So lets start with "how much do they cost?"
Because Im guessing you could buy a real one for the price
It says Base Price is $214,500.
That base price does not include an engine or Trans. It says that is the responsibility of the owner! I will bet you your all in price would be around $300,000, if you want any options.
Quote from: Chad on December 05, 2023, 01:20:30 PM
Quote from: tesgt350 on December 05, 2023, 09:13:36 AM
Quote from: Coralsnake on December 05, 2023, 08:53:23 AM
So lets start with "how much do they cost?"
Because Im guessing you could buy a real one for the price
It says Base Price is $214,500.
That base price does not include an engine or Trans. It says that is the responsibility of the owner! I will bet you your all in price would be around $300,000, if you want any options.
Since it is built in Africa, shipping it with out a Motor and Trans makes it easier to Import and is considered a "Kit Car".
a hard pass.....
Curious to see if one appears at an auction, what the "ELEANOR" enthusiasts(?) will think of it?... ::)
They say imitation is flattery. Seems like these are not for this group however.
All outboards?
Looks like you can get it either way.... (
Quote from: s2ms on December 05, 2023, 10:31:13 PM
Looks like you can get it either way.... (
From their Web Site:
"Hi-Tech Legends is not an Engine or Gearbox supplier. Purchasing of the Engine and Gearbox is the responsibility of the customer and/or their chosen installer, and is for the customer's account. The pricing provided is an estimate for budgetary and information purposes only and prices may therefore vary between different parts suppliers."
I priced one out to just under $217,750 BUT, that is with NO Motor or Trans.
Quote from: tesgt350 on December 06, 2023, 07:13:42 AM
From their Web Site: "Hi-Tech Legends is not an Engine or Gearbox supplier. Purchasing of the Engine and Gearbox is the responsibility of the customer and/or their chosen installer, and is for the customer's account. The pricing provided is an estimate for budgetary and information purposes only and prices may therefore vary between different parts suppliers."
Right, I was just referring to the inboards/outboards comment, not drive train...
It also states that "Each rolling chassis will however be issued with a Manufacturers Certificate of Origin containing a chassis number, which will assist the customer with the process of registering their vehicle at their local DMV". So no VIN number. I know that some states are better with this than others. What year would this be registered as and would it then have to comply with emissions with that state? You might also have to show where this drivetrain was purchased from. Very cool cars and I wouldn't mind having one on my garage but not for that amount of money when I spent a whole lot less for my Shelby new. - Kevin