I heard this morning that C Van Tune (Side-Oilers) had lost his battle with cancer.
Oh, no - so sorry to hear that. I didn't realize he was ill.
He will be missed here....
- Phillip
Interesting life cut short. Sad. Terrible disease. RIP
Quote from: csxsfm on November 17, 2024, 06:59:24 PMInteresting life cut short. Sad. Terrible disease. RIP
+1 What a shame :(
So sad to hear. I had no idea he was ill.
I am with others in that I had no idea he was ill. He will be missed. He was a positive contributor here IMO. RIP
Like others so sorry to hear this news. Out thoughts and prayers go out to his family in this time of need and support especially considering it is the holiday season
God speed!
Quote from: J_Speegle on November 17, 2024, 08:13:49 PMLike others so sorry to hear this news. Out thoughts and prayers go out to his family in this time of need and support especially considering it is the holiday season
Yes, sorry to hear and terrible for all.
We will miss him, he always was a good help and nice to talk to. God Speed.
Very saddened to hear this. IIRC he posted his 68 GT500KR for sale here a couple years ago after receiving the cancer diagnosis. RIP.
Oh no, such sad news! I enjoyed reading his comments here which were always positive!
Bummer. I did not know him but certainly enjoyed reading his posts. RIP
My condolences to his family. His insightful contributions will be missed.
Very sorry to hear this.
I remember Van "thinning the herd" a while ago when he got that diagnosis :'(
While I never met him in person, I felt that I knew him a bit from all of the [positive] interactions and posts on here... we had a few things in common.
He was certainly one of the good guys.
When I was diagnosed with renal carcinoma 6 years ago, two members of this forum were incredibly supportive as I navigated my way through the entire ordeal, Woody Woodroff and Van. Both of them were dealing with a bleaker prognosis then I, but both were far more concerned with my well being than their own.
Van will surely be missed, along with Woody and all the other good people taken by this awful disease.
God Bless Van
RIP to Van. He had indicated to me he had recently sold his Ford GT. May he be driving at speed in the next realm that awaits.