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Messages - Last Cobra

Hi,  just found the thread.  There were three King Cobras built. #1 was the only one completed and raced by Shelby. #2 and #3 wee then sold to a privateer as a package. #2 was then pressed into racing action with Chevy power. # 3, my car was held if needed.

#2 then was used as a display in dealerships in the Midwest, then raced in the northwest before being lost in a private collection until it was purchased by its current owner.. #3 was then sold and hidden away until I found it. I was fortunate to spend time interviewing Remington, Collins, Oleary, Dan Gurney and Mr. Shelby.

My car is recognized as being the last cobra, even Comp Cobra ever produced. Shelby installed fuel cells in my car whose date verifies it's being the last Cobra ever produced. I'll be bringing it out soon. I have original drawings, receipts for #2 and #3, photos and interviews and someday I hope to have #1 and my last cobra on the track together..

Thanks !!