Sorry you consider my father's legacy and one of the most innovative and economical performance upgrades in automotive history popping balloons at the party. With regards to the 428CJ, on a scale of 1-10 Tasca was a 10 and Shelby a 1. Most period articles credit Tasca for the KR moniker that is undisputed to most outside this site. But I'll end with the only facts, Roger Miller first trademarked "King of the Road" on April 29,1969, not Shelby, Chevy, Ford or Tasca. In a letter dated May 28, 1968 Ray Geddes, Manager of Shelby Auto Marketing, thanked Bill Kolb Jr for his KR recommendation on the end of GT500. For those who don't already know, between Larsen Ford(319 Shelbys) and Gotham Ford(479 Shebys) sold a total of 798 Shelby branded cars and was the reason he was invited to participate in a special Shelby marketing forum for Ford executives on Mar 19, 1968. Of course you all knew that, history is great and even better when it's accurate. What's next who cares about nos parts? Truth is truth, sorry about all the balloons.