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Prowling the most haunted cemetery in Illinois

Started by deathsled, October 22, 2021, 08:25:09 PM

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"Low she sits on five spoke wheels
Small block eight so live she feels
There she's parked beside the curb
Engine revving to disturb
She's the princess from his past
Red paint gold stripes damned she's fast"


Gota ask and if you can't answer due to a confidentiality agreement I understand.

Did you team up with Stephen King on this production  ?
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. ~
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus

"Home of the "Amazing Hertz 3 + 1 Musketeers"

I have all UNGOLD cars

I am certainly not a Shelby Expert


What's with you and cemeteries? Is this an annual thing...trying to wake the dead?
68 GT350 Lives Matter!


Quote from: FL SAAC on October 22, 2021, 09:08:31 PM
Gota ask and if you can't answer due to a confidentiality agreement I understand.

Did you team up with Stephen King on this production  ?
I wish.
"Low she sits on five spoke wheels
Small block eight so live she feels
There she's parked beside the curb
Engine revving to disturb
She's the princess from his past
Red paint gold stripes damned she's fast"


Quote from: shelbydoug on October 22, 2021, 09:13:39 PM
What's with you and cemeteries? Is this an annual thing...trying to wake the dead?
Difficult to say.  I have a dark fascination with them knowing that one day I will be in one.  And looking at the oldest tombstones, I wonder about the person that lies there, what sort of life they had, what they did, what got them there in the end and ultimately, where they are now, if anywhere.  Match that to cars and it is a powerful combination.  For me at least.  And yes, sort of an annual thing that I get interested in around the Autumn time of year which is a time of dying.  Dark thoughts make me realize that I am thankful to be alive for one more day.  And even more thankful for what I have and the opportunity to get in the 66 Hertz or the 2013 Laguna and eat some asphalt for a while during the day (or night) while I am above ground. 
"Low she sits on five spoke wheels
Small block eight so live she feels
There she's parked beside the curb
Engine revving to disturb
She's the princess from his past
Red paint gold stripes damned she's fast"


You would "enjoy it" here around Halloween.

Washington Irving wrote the story of the "Headless Horseman" about a legend in a small hamlet called Sleepy Hollow. It's a Hudson River hamlet that is situated with Route 9 running through it.

It's known for two things that I know of. Irving's story and the home of Venessa Williams.

Thirty years ago I did a candle light vigil starting at the Old Dutch Reformed Church there, ending at the old Dutch graveyard.

There are graves there that date to the 17th century. You'd love that. I hear that on certain nights you can have in depth conversations with some of the permanent residents.

The churches themselves are of character with these "flying pulpits" that project like the bow of a sailing vessel, over the congregation. It really comes alive at night being illuminated just by candlelight.

It's even more effective mixed with Bass Ale.

I can also point you to another graveyard where we have a number of New York Confederate volunteers buried. They are still there. I guess WOK hasn't heard about that yet?

This graveyard does have big black iron gates that promptly lock at 4pm. I think it has to do with the grave diggers union not wanting to be there after dark?

Lots of the headstones are the old limestone ones that weather and many are now impossible to read but I'm sure that if you are sincere enough our version of the Canterbury Ghost will take you on a tour? I understand that he is quite lonely for intelligent conversation? He'd probably LOVE a terrifying ride in your Shelby!

We have other graveyards of interest such as the old "slaves" graveyard recently unearthed downtown near the "Federal Building" site.

So lots to see and lots of formerly living you can speak with here. No charge.

They seem very impressed with my white GT350 though and my long grey hair, turning to white flows in the breeze as I do my midnight runs through the hollow disturbing the peace and letting "all Hell loose". They seem to like that for some reason? Eventually, I'll be in good company with them I'm sure. It kinda' has a home like feel? It's good to own the night!  ;D
68 GT350 Lives Matter!


Very eloquently written, Shelbydoug.  If you haven't written a book or two, you should.  It sounds like you live in a very old area of the USA.  Lots of history there.  The further west one travels, the newer the country's history becomes, settlers, the wild west and so on.  The east part of the US seems to have more European type history to it.  Even HP Lovecraft fancied himself an Englishman and sounded as much in much of his horror writings.
"Low she sits on five spoke wheels
Small block eight so live she feels
There she's parked beside the curb
Engine revving to disturb
She's the princess from his past
Red paint gold stripes damned she's fast"


There is something to the feeling of the area. This area. All places have history. Not all have had someone who thought to write it down.

Illinois was something of the Frontier. As I recall, Lincoln refered to it in some way that characterized it's flavor?

Being a New Yorker has something to it besides tradition. It's somewhat of a haunting or curse that once the spirits have branded you, it's you...forever.

It goes beyond just our known civilization though. Apparently there was a sixth  Great Lake. At some point during the last Ice Age it decided to rupture and the rushing waters carved this cavern that became the Hudson River.

Now listening to historians, climatetologists or maybe archiologists there always seems to be this exact defining of events...vaguely?

Sitting here looking at the Hudson and what is called the Palasades across it, it's difficult to image it was under 2 miles of ice 12,000 years ago? There are caves here with stone age illustrations on the walls of Mastodons, i.e., big hairy tusked elephants, not a football team.

Within the recent past, it has been discovered that at the mouth of the Hudson River, beneath the waters, there is a geological structure that was broken by an event of some kind (the sixth Great Lake bursting) and within a stones throw, MASTODON skeptical remains.

Now I try to keep these things in perspective and 12,000 years almost doesn't seem that long ago? After all, Porsche has been building variations of the 911 for almost as long?
So I try to pay reverence to the area. The Native Americans, those that were previously called by "us" Indians, feel that everything has a spirit to it. The wind. The water. The sky, etc. Who am I to argue?

In fact with the strange things that go on right here on my property, I consider that I am on the sacred grounds of some ancient humans and the leader or maybe the "Medicine Man" takes exception to either me or Shelby?

It's difficult to conceive of him being a Corvette guy but the evidence is definitely leaning that way?

What was that story a while back about in seven points you could prove everyone was related or something to that effect or delusion?

Did you know that Lt.Col George Armstrong Custer had a mansion on Fifth Avenue in NYC? Did you know that he owned a theater on Bowery?

He was a 24 year old Brevet General during the Civil War, which means the commission to General was temporary and he would revert back to his earned rank which was Lt.Col.
"Hollywood" is who created the rank with possibly unintentional cooperation by the "media" of his time?

Everyone thinks of "Times Square" now as the NYC theater district, the naked Cowboy and the nude body painters there on the center island. In the 1870's, the "Bowery" was the theater district.

Anyway I'm sure that my Shelby's exhaust echos have caught someone else's attention and have impressed upon them some sort of super natural meaning somewhat like the Dutch saying that the thunder that echoed through the Hudson Valley during storms was of Rip Van Winkle bowling?

The Hudson Valley and NYC is a fascinating place if you just stop look and listen...and there are sensations enough to feel it talking to you? Kind of like the feel and sound of solid lifters and headers.

I've got to get back to polishing my ten spokes now. They really got grimy. Do you have any idea what I could do to get this "Indian Medicine Man's" spirit off my case? I'm stumped?

Write a book? Why? I already have a book. Who needs two?

68 GT350 Lives Matter!


You sir, are a very deep thinker.  Tell the medicine man you will give him a ride in the Shelby.  That should appease any malevolence he may harbor against you.  Tell him there are 8 billion people in the world and only a handful get to drive a vintage Shelby and even fewer get a ride in a vintage Shelby.  That is reality.
"Low she sits on five spoke wheels
Small block eight so live she feels
There she's parked beside the curb
Engine revving to disturb
She's the princess from his past
Red paint gold stripes damned she's fast"


Quote from: deathsled on October 23, 2021, 03:01:30 PM
You sir, are a very deep thinker.  Tell the medicine man you will give him a ride in the Shelby.  That should appease any malevolence he may harbor against you.  Tell him there are 8 billion people in the world and only a handful get to drive a vintage Shelby and even fewer get a ride in a vintage Shelby.  That is reality.

He seems to have this malevolence towards any kind of Fords. It's beyond the normal Corvette denial syndrome. I'm really worried that it's some kind of a Mopar Hemi thing. You can't fix stupid.

Plus I can't have a guy in war paint with a bone through his nose riding in the car. The neighbors wouldn't understand. They are terrified of me already. I could claim that he's just a Greatful Dead fan but they wouldn't know who they are?

Somewhere along the line someone asked Charles Dickens where he got his ideas from. He said it was the Bass Ale. So much for deep thinkers? :o

The Bass vendor truck just pulled up. He's going to want to know how many cases I want this time. I buy it just to stimulate the economy. I donate it to homeless shelters. I don't drink it myself. ;)
68 GT350 Lives Matter!


On the heels of your G.T. 350 Lives Matter slogan, I submit the following may appease any malevolent spirits.
"Low she sits on five spoke wheels
Small block eight so live she feels
There she's parked beside the curb
Engine revving to disturb
She's the princess from his past
Red paint gold stripes damned she's fast"