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My Sincere Appology

Started by Toby_S, June 27, 2022, 06:43:59 PM

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Hello All,
I love the SAAC forums and follow them often.  Today I made multiple posts in multiple portions of the forum, specifically to many regions and have recieved a great deal of feedback on the posting numbers.  Had I had known that a post in one region would end up going to so many people and being annoying I never would have done that.   Another forum I use, posts among areas are not shared among the group as they are here.  Simply stated, I do recognize that for right now I am "THAT GUY."   Again, not my intent, but it did happen and I am a bit embarrassed and accept that.

My friends in the Shelby world are some of the nicest people I know.  These forums are great and I DO understand what happens when trolls dilute the validity and the usefulness of the discussion with senseless cannon fodder.   Had I been on the other end... I would feel as you do.  Today I am sorry that I am "that troll."   Will not happen again.   My excitement was fueled by my love for two very special people to me. 

So to everyone is the SAAC Forum,  My sincerest apology.  This is a great place full of great people.

Toby E. Stinson


Its okay. You're not the first guy to do it, lol

Check out

I'm looking for 9F02M480004. Have you seen it?

Lincoln tech

Quote from: Coralsnake on June 27, 2022, 06:51:41 PM
Its okay. You're not the first guy to do it, lol

You got that right  ;)  ;D  :o
PNDM === Post Numbers Don't Matter :)


Apology accepted.  And you learned something.
Roy Simkins
1966 G.T.350H SFM6S817
1967 G.T.500 67400F7A03040

Forum Guide


Just finished cleaning up the cloned-post mess.
It was a bonehead move, but you were man enough to apologize.... that gets you forgiven.

Carry on.
Forum Guide
SAACForum Moderator


"Bonehead move" or just an honest mistake by a newcomer?   I vote for the latter. 

We were all newbies once.   
2006 FGT, Tungsten. Whipple, HRE 20s, Ohlin coil-overs. Top Speed Certified 210.7 mph.

Kirkham Cobra 427.  482-inch aluminum side-oiler. Tremec 5-spd.

1968 GT500KR #2575 (1982-2022)
1970 Ranchero GT 429
1969 LTD Country Squire 429
1963 T-Bird Sport Roadster
1957 T-Bird E-model



I vote for honest mistake also. Great note explaining and great note apologizing. Well done.

KR Convertible

Wish some of the regular polluters would get a clue.

Lincoln tech

Quote from: KR Convertible on June 28, 2022, 04:32:18 PM
Wish some of the regular polluters would get a clue.
Unfortunately that will never happen , it's all about the numbers  ;)
PNDM === Post Numbers Don't Matter :)


In the beginning we never imagined such a blunder would even be possible. Your honest, polite, as well as courteous explanation is awesome and a great indicator of hope for the human race. Not to mention this forum.
Founding father of SAACFORUM.COM