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Photo Posting Poll

Started by terlingua11, June 05, 2018, 12:00:05 PM

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There is some sort of presumption here that "the new way works for all". It doesn't for me. I can't post a picture here by any method.

So I'm just going to go right to the point and call "shotgun"...or BS if you prefer?  ;)

The bottom line is that the administrator needs to fix this. Considering past performance, I'm not holding my breath. Maybe in a year or two he might feel motivated? I don't know?
68 GT350 Lives Matter!

Chris Thauberger

Quote from: Greg on June 07, 2018, 08:13:35 AM
I appreciate the point of view "just learn the new way" but if you read the majority, they are saying "THE NEW WAY" is terrible and not an improvement and I for one agree with them. 

If your in the software business, the first thing you learn is any program has to be intuitive in order for it to be successful.  Could you imagine going back to the DOSS days, NO and neither can anyone else. 

The developer can fix this easily if they will, if they don't they just don't care or not interested in taking some extra time to fix it because now it is just a work around. 

Make it easy, retain and gain more people!

I get you Greg however, the majority you refer to is the majority of respondents in this thread, not the majority of users on this site. Others that don't have an issues simply don't respond to this thread most likely because it has nothing to do with Shelby's like MANY of the threads on this site.

As far as you reference to DOS, I use it every day because it is POWERFUL not because it is easy.

I do agree with the statements about the administrators lack of participation.

Being the "All time post count king" on a forum is kinda like being rich in Monopoly... guess he was embarrassed about, removed from his profile   LMAO

Video: Gold Concours GT500


  Like many other members, post a photo?  Ha-ha-ha-ha.  I'd rather watch paint dry.  I stopped bothering thinking and posting a photo about 10 attemps ago.


.... as we can see, we all have an opinion. My original request was to add a poll post. Lets get it up and take a vote. That way we will know if there is a vast majority who can do it and are just keeping quiet and could care less about the old way. Or is there a vast majority of those who can't figure it out, or can but feel it's more of a hassle to go through the steps to do so and have stopped posting pictures or don't frequent the site as often.

Put up the poll and let the members vote!
88 Saleen 19R

KR Convertible

I think all would agree that photo posting could be easier.  If we all gave up on our cars issues this easily, we would have no need for this forum!


After several attempts to post photos on this site I have given up.


Quote from: CSX2259 on June 07, 2018, 11:41:20 AM
After several attempts to post photos on this site I have given up.

My time has value, other priorities in life / work.
The conditions regardless of each opinions dimishes the value of the forum for ALL, not just power users.

jim p
Former owner 6S283, 70 "Boss351", 66 GT 6F07, 67 FB GT
current: 66 GT former day 2 track car 6R07
20+ yrs Ford Parts Mgr, now Meritor Defense



You seem to be infatuated with Florida SAAC and Tony.

Stick to the topic at hand and please don't worry about other regions or myself.

On a personal , may I ask if you are married?



If people stop participating cause they can't figure out something a simple as how to load a picture, nothing I can do about it.  :'(

I have absolutely no problem loading pictures.  I'll still be here. Sure, I don't have any pictures of girls bent over in front of a car or opinions about driverless vehicles, but

Quote from: Rodster-500 on June 06, 2018, 10:23:20 PM
I'm not sure you know how everyone feels.

As far as EVERYONE feels, I FEEL you are exaggerating. Not EVERYONE has issues loading pictures, just ask Tony. He's very good at it.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. ~
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus

"Home of the "Amazing Hertz 3 + 1 Musketeers"

I have all UNGOLD cars

I am certainly not a Shelby Expert


Quote from: Chris Thauberger on June 07, 2018, 12:11:52 AM
Quote from: Rodster-500 on June 06, 2018, 10:23:20 PM
You are missing the point big time.

I'm not missing anything. My post was sarcasm, but many missed that.  :o 

Everything is changing.  If you can't keep up with progress then you fall behind.

Quote from: Rodster-500 on June 06, 2018, 10:23:20 PM
It's not that life is tough, people will get fed up and just stop participating.

If people stop participating cause they can't figure out something a simple as how to load a picture, nothing I can do about it.  :'(

I have absolutely no problem loading pictures.  I'll still be here. Sure, I don't have any pictures of girls bent over in front of a car or opinions about driverless vehicles, but I contribute where I can.

Quote from: Rodster-500 on June 06, 2018, 10:23:20 PM
No other forum I've seen operates like this one.

This forum operates on the exact same platform as CMF and the CJ forum. I have no problem loading pictures there either.

Quote from: Rodster-500 on June 06, 2018, 10:23:20 PM
We went backwards. Forum 2.0 went back to the flip phone era.  Sure we had the dreaded black box issue that never got resolved in Forum 1.0, but posting pictures was up to date.

FYI the picture uploading IMPROVED over Forum 1.0, no joke.

Quote from: Rodster-500 on June 06, 2018, 10:23:20 PM
I'm not sure you know how everyone feels.

As far as EVERYONE feels, I FEEL you are exaggerating. Not EVERYONE has issues loading pictures, just ask Tony. He's very good at it.



Chris is absolutely right.  Yes, it takes a few more steps to upload a picture.  But, no longer does it take two attempts to get it right and that damn BLACK BOX is gone!!!
Brian R. Glover
SAAC Carolina's Northern Representative


I agree with Jim P. We are not necessarily talking about the "power user". Those individuals will most likely get it. But what about the occasional user, or weekly user who has something important to add. Either it be some documentation they would like to show, or an image of something they would like to sell.... or an image of something they would like clarification on. We will miss out on those images because those individual will not either understand or want to go threw all the steps to upload an image. I guess that is the reason why I posted this in the first place. I think the club will loose out on valuable information with the picture upload format it currently has. I figured out how to do it, that's not my point. It's the bigger picture of what we as a club ( SAAC ) are going to be missing out on from an image database. As they say, a pictures worth a 1000 words......

88 Saleen 19R


Find an image on the internet or upload an image on the internet using a hosting service.  Do the same with the image you uploaded into your gallery if you can't host the photo or find it elsewhere on the internet.
Right click the photo in question and copy the URL
Paste the URL in between the img tags after clicking the photo icon.  Done! 


..... again, I'm not looking for the work around solution. The guy 6 months from now who goes to our site isn't going to spend the time to find the post that steps him through the "Easy Shmeasy" solution. I'm looking big picture. 6 months from now, a year from now. Lots of lost images because we couldn't have an attachment button to choose a file off the desktop of the computer 95% of us have images stored on.
88 Saleen 19R


I think this is the point. 

Whether you love the new way or the old way, why can't it be simpler?  I think we would all agree a button that says "upload picture" that when clicked, takes you to your files on your hard drive where you select your photo and it is uploaded.

My question is.... can it not be that simple on this site, it is on other sites.  If it can't, just say it can't and be done with it and then every has to live with it or not.

This back and forth of defending the new vs. old doesn't matter.  The fact is, it is not intuitive without instructions and it should be.   
Shelby's and Fords from Day 1


88 Saleen 19R


I think the last two posts capture the reality of this well.  We all value pictures and constantly ask for more, but many like me have stopped trying to post any after many many attempts with no success.  It is way easier on other sites that I frequent and it should be that easy here too, or we will all continue to miss out on the many more pictures that could be posted and the value they would bring to the forum.