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1965 9" Third Member Unique?

Started by cboss70, July 16, 2024, 02:34:01 PM

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TA Coupe

I really wish you CHILDREN  would quit your quoteing wars as it makes it hard for anyone interested in a subject to keep up. This has gone on a number of times and it takes up unnecessary space on the server 😒

    Grow Up, Respectfully Roy Richards
If it starts it's streetable.
Overkill is just enough.


Scode67- thanks for the chart. "C4AW-A small bearing" listed in the chart and some of the earlier pictures and comments helped narrow down what I could do if I want to get something that visually looks good but maybe has the larger axle set-up or try to find something specific that would have come on a Shelby/k-code like the C4AW-A small bearing.  Thanks again everyone. I've "only" been playing with mustangs' for maybe 25yrs and I'm still learning names for certain parts and trying to decipher what people here are explaining at times. I don't have the decades of experience that some of you have and its great everyone takes on this stuff so passionately so the knowledge can be passed down and not forgotten to time.