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SAAC 45 and the current world insanity

Started by JayTalbott, March 17, 2020, 04:03:43 PM

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As of today, March 17, 2020 SAAC has NO plans to postpone, cancel or modify SAAC-45 at Indy.
If we do cancel the event, it will most likely be because we are forced to by the track or by a third party (I'm looking at you Gov. Holcomb).
An eblast will go out tonight with this same statement.

And if you have not yet registered for the convention, go to  and register. We hope to see you there.

Jay Talbott
SAAC Board Member
Jay Talbott
SAAC Board of Directors
SAAC Membership Director


My wife and I have enjoyed quite a few national SAAC events in the past 10 years, and we fully intended to attend SAAC 45, but we won't because;
a. we're both 67 years old and thus members of the 'target' group of those who are most likely to be affected by COVID-19.  Additionally, my wife's immune system was severely challenged 5 years ago because of chemotherapy and radiation treatments and is permanently immune-challenged.
b. we staunchly support the measures necessary to stem the propagation of COVID-19.

Mandates by our governments; fed, state and local, seem to be necessary because so many folks and groups aren't able to throttle-back on social activities on their own because those preventive measures were initially just 'strongly" encouraged.  Too many folks see themselves as a 'tree' rather than as part of the 'forest'.  This weekend I was driving through our small town and looked over at the local Irish pub.  Patrons were lined up waiting to get in and socialize shoulder to shoulder and face to face, just as they did in years past when Coronavirus was an unknown.



       I appreciate and FULLY respect your situation and decision and in NO WAY do I think you should change it. We are all our own person.
       I TOO am 67 and my wife is 68. She had radiation and chemo 19 years ago when fighting Cancer. I was in Indy last Dec. and came home with flu like symptoms that lasted TWO months for myself and my wife. Was it Corona? I am not sure , BUT we survived. The hysteria involved with this virus (IMHO) is over the top. The virus symptoms don't include diareah and it is not water born YET we are seeing mass buys of toilet paper and bottled water. That sir is paranoia.
Not EVERYONE will die. Some , yes , but people die EVERY day from cars , bullets , disease , drowning, stabbing , cancer etc. I am not taking this lightly nor am I immortal.
     I want to make my own choices.
Celebrating 46 years of drag racing 6S477 and no end in sight.


+1 to Randy's post. 

IMO: Everyone should take care of themselves and their families as they see best.

At the same time, it will probably help all of humanity (and the economy) to keep our heads and be reasonable. 

Fear begets fear. Panic begets panic.
2006 FGT, Tungsten. Whipple, HRE 20s, Ohlin coil-overs. Top Speed Certified 210.7 mph.

Kirkham Cobra 427.  482-inch aluminum side-oiler. Tremec 5-spd.

1968 GT500KR #2575 (1982-2022)
1970 Ranchero GT 429
1969 LTD Country Squire 429
1963 T-Bird Sport Roadster
1957 T-Bird E-model


Just don't take me,or my family out because of your choices. Drunk drivers  have same reasoning. We are all in this mess together....stay safe/healthy and respect your fellow man.

We've been through WW2, Aids, Sars, Bird Flu and the Swine Flu...

We've had product tampering, Anthrax and 911..

I'm thinking we'll pull through.....

Just my 02.

In related news..
Did anyone notice the beaches in Florida?   They're packed for Spring Break.


Its like playing on the rail road tracks in a long tunnel, most of the time you would probably be alright... until you weren't. Be safe out there-


Italy did not take the covid 19 virus seriously or fast enough and 2,500 people are already dead and the country is effectively shut down.  In my view, we can take the advice of public health professionals and scientists and be part of the effort to shut this down as quickly as possible, or we risk being part of the reason that does not happen.  To each his own.  I'm healthy and would love to go to SAAC 45, but unless the situation in north america turns around by then, I won't be there. 


It's too early to make a call on the Convention but it more likely is going to be shut down before hand.
The guidance of some states of blocking meetings of people of more then 10 is likely to be a national one once the Feds create a national standardized policy. At this moment they have not.

San Francisco is already shut down completely and NYC MAY follow shortly?

Everyone needs to consider that unless the situation turns around very quickly, then restaurants will be closed except for take out.

Some hotels have already furloughed their employees and then there will be the question of lack of hotels facilities. Yesterday is was Marriott.

The track itself will likely be closed such as other sporting facilities have been and even camp grounds likely will be restricted.

So everyone can attempt to be positive since there is a little time still to make a call but at some point everyone will need to face the reality that the decision will be, that it won't be our decision, the decision will already have been made for us.

At some point it's just going to be irresponsible to think that this can still be held despite the current situation? It may be "possible" to reschedule the Convention for later in the year though...maybe?

Predicting what is going to happen is in many ways self defeating. It is just unknown how deadly the virus is or will be. There simply is no data that scientifically proves that this is "just" another flu infection no matter how much you hold your breath in protest and try to spin this. The current status in other countries such as China, Italy and South Korea would indicate otherwise.
68 GT350 Lives Matter!


A lot of things can happen in 90 days...just saying...

1969 GT350 owned since 1970


Quote from: TOBKOB on March 18, 2020, 09:03:33 AM
A lot of things can happen in 90 days...just saying...


A month ago there was only 1 case in the usa.....    you might survive but  the people  you may infect might not .  It is serious  when they close down factories . 
Some where some one is driving their collector car for the last time but they don't know it . Drive your car every time like it could be the last memory of it .


Quote from: jk66gt350 on March 17, 2020, 11:17:56 PM
Italy did not take the covid 19 virus seriously or fast enough and 2,500 people are already dead and the country is effectively shut down.  In my view, we can take the advice of public health professionals and scientists and be part of the effort to shut this down as quickly as possible, or we risk being part of the reason that does not happen.  To each his own.  I'm healthy and would love to go to SAAC 45, but unless the situation in north america turns around by then, I won't be there.

Well said.
68-2766, since 1990
69-2524, since 1992


  Hey, it's in JUNE!  Might be all passed by then.

Don Johnston

Hopefully SAAC45l will go ahead as planned.  These events take a lot of planning and volunteer hours.  However, I would not be surprised if the politicians and health officials pull the plug.  Hawaii relies on tourism as its primary economic resource but the government is discouraging visitors and has already closed the Arizona Memorial, all entertainment venues (shows, movie theaters, luaus, hiking trails like Diamond Head and such), asked for bars and restaurants to close with only take out service for restaurants.  Schools (government and private) are extending spring break.  As of today, 14 cases Statewide, no deaths.  Cruise ships have to have disembarking passengers health screened.  More edicts forthcoming.  The hope is that this will all be rescinded beyond 30 days, but no guarantee. 8)
Just nuts.