The Shelby American (Winter 2021)
The SHELBY AMERICAN Winter 2021 19 There’s no let-up in sight. These guys, Ken Young, Jim Hutchinson, Ted Warren and Tom Dankel are committed. Or they should be. They have the knack of ferreting out the most obscure stuff from the most in- comprehensible places. Seeming the last places you would look to find anything. How do they do it? Obvi- ously it’s a gift. Tom Dankel was watching “Queen of the South” on Netflix and spotted the Cobra in the background. It was Sea- son 2 Episode 9 if anyone is interested. Young spotted the GT500 convert- ible on the cover of this book about Cobra Jets. Good choice. Millers Oil is a British company but that didn’t stop them from using the picture of a’67 GT500 on their oil can. Needless to say, at $49.99 for a 5 liter can, Young wasn’t a buyer. Leave it to Warren to alert on drag racing turbo longtail Thai river boats on the Cobra Canal in Bangkok, Thailand. Young spotted this ad for an engine builder. At least they had the good sense to show a Shelby. When Young gets a catalog we envi- sion him feverishly pawing through the pages looking for Cobra stuff...which he seems to find. To make this model rollback saleable they slapped a Cobra sticker on the door. Here’s another example of Shelby serendipity. Warren was having lunch at a restaurant and his server was named Shelby. And it turned out that she owned a 2013 Shelby Mustang. That could have happened to anyone, but the point is that it happened to Ted Warren. Master Eagle Eyes