The Shelby American (Winter 2021)
The Heritage Years The Middle A es The N t Century # ' # # " ) &# $ ! ! !" ) "# !" !! '-" ) !#( !#" ! $ ) % !# " # " ) # ! ) # ! " ! !# $ "" !# ' # * +, # ! !' In 1973 I happened on my Uncle’s next-door neigh- bor, a gentleman many in the Shelby universe knew and revered, Mike Reimenschneider. Yes, I remember exactly the day I was Snakebit! Never dreaming that I could own a Shelby, I was more than delighted to buy a t-shirt, a model, a book or a poster when a few extra coins were not already spent on necessities. I would fol- low every Shelby that I spotted to the driver’s destina- tion and inundate them with questions and a final request: “Can I come back with my Dad’s camera and take a few pictures?” Amazing, or maybe not, every Shelby owner was most gracious. Today I have been permitted the privilege of prolif- erating and preserving the cars and memorabilia which comprise The CARROLL COLLECTION, created by all those who were a part of Shelby American. It is my re- sponsibility to share the kindness and considerations of those who have given their time to me, for over five decades.