The Shelby American (Winter 2021)

The SHELBY AMERICAN Winter 2021 9 1967 GT 500 Eleanor Made Out of Wood The ever vigilant Howard Pardee sent us an email containing the URL for a video titled “Watch This Guy Make a 1967 GT500 [Eleanor] Out of Wood.” Watch it we did, and we were fascinated. It was filmed in fast-for- ward and stop action, and showed him starting with blocks of wood and fash- ioning them into parts and then as- sembling them into a finished car that was about two-feet long. There is a short explanation on the website but nowhere is the artist iden- tified. It only says he runs Woodwork- ing Art. He is working barefoot and other websites lead us to believe his shop is in Vietnam. Spoiler Alert: the car he uses as his model is a 1967 Shelby GT500E “Eleanor” car. What a shame it wasn’t a real GT500. To watch the video go to: