On Friday it was back to the track.
A high level of activity was noted in
the concours area. Concours entrants
had been spoiled by SAAC-40’s indoor
judging in a huge, carpeted ballroom.
This year it was back to the grass, and
after the previous morning’s rain the
ground was a little soft. In recognition
of this, trailers were lined up, side by
side, and cars were allowed to be rolled
out to be judged. That made owners
happy because they did not have to
unload in a separate area and drive to
a show field. There were nineteen cars
entered in the concours show. The win-
ners were announced at the Friday
evening program.
Most of the open track sessions
were scheduled for the morning, with
three run groups going out after
lunch. The SAAC vintage race was
held at the end of the day., barely giv-
ing drivers, crews and spectators time
to get back to their hotels to freshen
up and then get to the Mid-Ohio Con-
ference Center, about twenty minutes
from the track.
Summer 2016 37