The convention had been away
from the northeast for three years so
it was time to put that area of the
country in our crosshairs. Due to the
fact that I was vintage racing at Lime
Rock every chance I got, and not coin-
cidentally that I lived within spitting
distance of the track, I had developed
an excellent relationship with the
track’s General Manager. I sat down
with him to discuss our upcoming con-
vention and SAAC-21 was still fresh in
his mind. He could not have been more
accommodating. I made it easy be-
cause having used the track once be-
fore, I knew what was possible and
what was not. I was able to save a lot
of time by not asking for anything that
the track could not deliver.
Lime Rock had recently under-
gone several improvements. The most
visible was the new Michelin Tower at
the start/finish line. It was designed
by local son Sam Posey, whose talents
beside driving race cars include being
an architect, author and artist.
Summer 2016 93